Who Should I see? Psychiarist, Psychologist or Therapist for counselling and Therapy for Mental Health 101

by ⁨Janna Lim|28-01-2022
About Psychotherapy

Confused on who you should see for therapy? Don’t worry. This article provides a comprehensive explanation for these different professionals in the mental health care sector.


Counsellors often focus on current challenges clients are facing. This could be career concerns, relationship difficulties or just feeling more stress than usual. Counsellors look at clients’ symptoms and behaviours to design a plan to help their clients. They mostly work with clients on an emotional level. Clients learn skills to cope and avoid such problems.


Similar to counsellors, psychotherapists listen to clients’ difficulties. Nonetheless, the psychotherapists’ approach is more in-depth and a longer process than counselling. This is because clients’ experiences from the past are discussed. Emotionally buried experiences are identified and explored to be fully processed. This provides a releasing experience for clients, as they are no longer burdened with that experience.

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Clinical Psychologist

Clinical Psychologists aim to reduce psychological distress in their clients. Specifically, clinical psychologists understand, treat and prevent mental disorders. They are well versed in clinical tests regarding mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. They often adopt a medical model in relation to mental health.


Psychiatrists are medical doctors specialised in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses. They are first trained as medical doctors before specialising in psychiatry. Psychiatrists are able to examine the effects mental health conditions have on physical ones. Additionally, they are the only group of people in the mental health field that are able to prescribe medicine to clients. Hence, time with the psychiatrist is spent discussing medication management. Furthermore, in Singapore they are able to diagnose people with disorders.

Coaching therapy

Coaching is a directive experience to help clients decide on their goals. Coaches are trained to assist clients set and achieve goals. Clients’ emotional experiences and their past are not explored in coaching. Coaching is action oriented as coaches often challenge their clients to reach their goals.

Visit thetherapy.co to see a counsellor or clinical psychologist today!


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